Role of Skill Development
in your organization!

Skill means the ability to do something well or gain expertise rather than just doing something. Anyone do a particular task but only a few can do the task skillfully and achieve expected output.

In the upcoming decade, economic forecasters foresee a climb in India’s economy. It will be the third largest economy in the world. However, the unemployment is raising to its peak. One of the articles on says India’s low skill intensity and low education attainment present a major challenge in preparing the workforce for India’s future.

In fact, according to the India Economic Survey 2017 by the Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development, public spending on education in India is 3.8% of the GDP, lower than countries like Brazil and Malaysia.

Unfortunately, the education system is not at par with the fast-changing business needs. Students who are going to be future hires and the existing group of employees have to enhance their skills to be competent with the future requirements to keep your organization’s growth at its peak.

At times, even your peak performers would stop performing due to lack of knowledge and skills on the current technology. Coaching by offering training and mentoring will be of good help for them to come back on track.

It’s time to put Skill development on top of your priority list and act upon it. There are service providers who can run the complete show of the skill development at your organization.


Skill Development